Krew was featured on ProductHunt and was finalist for Product of the Year. It was an honour to stand out against so many amazing products and to join the ranks of the legends before us.
A £620 grant, awarded by the JP fund, to cover the registration to IEEE CoG 2019 in London (no travel expenses needed!) where Yousef presented a poster.
For fairness, entrants were divided into beginners and veterans. Yousef was selected as winner among the veteran contestants, based on build speed, circuit layout, design, soldering quality, and functionality. Photos available here — that Amazon gift card, valued at £35, was aptly used to buy more electronics.
A grant of $1,500 covering registration, lodging, and travel to ACM's Special Interest Group on Data Communications (SIGCOMM) conference in Florianópolis, Brazil, where Yousef presented a poster, attended stimulating talks, and met brilliant people.
The advanced level of the university's optional employability award, achieved by demonstrating an exceptional commitment to developing employability through attending workshops, networking events, and volunteering. Additionally, PSA (Advanced) students demonstrate professional skills to an employer led interview panel and foster professional practice. More info...
The Peer-assisted Study Sessions (PASS) scheme is part of an internationally recognised network where higher year students lead study sessions for lower year students. Yousef was named PASS Leader of the Year after successfully setting up the scheme in the department of EECE after lobbying the administration for over a year as Chair of Student Representatives. Full news article...
A competition, led by the university's IT Innovation Centre, thats goal is to prototype the best mobile app that will most benefit the university and students as a whole. The competition was won by writing a marketplace app for students to buy and sell secondhand textbooks with built in messaging. Prizes included an Amazon Kindle Fire HD tablet and a 14 week paid industrial placement offer (which was respectfully declined). More info...
Achieved by swiftly learning the IBM z/OS mainframe stack (CICS, WebSphere MQ, JCL) and completing a series of systems programming tasks on IBM's own servers. More info...