
Yousef Amar's Volunteering

Tech and Entrepreneruship Mentor

Yousef tries to give back by providing mentorship and practical support to budding entrepreneurs and developers, through Levelupo, ADPList, and Underdog Devs.

Sustainability Ambassador

Yousef volunteered as Welcome Team member and later Sustainability Ambassador for My Cause UK to raise money for CALM.

Duolingo Global Ambassador

Yousef runs the sole German chapter in London with over 1,800 members for the popular language learning platform Duolingo, organising and hosting weekly German language events.

Various STEM Outreach

Open Source Maintainer

Yousef's open source work warrants its own section. Aside from the myriad of codebases Yousef has contributed to on and off of GitHub, Yousef helps thousands of people on Stack Exchange sites, maintains packages for Arch and Void Linux, and is active in several video game modding communities and has grown a large following. More information on these can be found here.

Invited Speaker

Yousef is regularly invited to present and discuss Islam and its influence in his life to the senior year Catholic class at his old school.

Student Representative and Chair

Yousef was elected student representative of the Department of Electronic, Electrical, and Computer Engineering for 2 consecutive years and Student Rep Chair for 1 year.

EECE Green Impact Project Assistant

Yousef was the sole student delegate in the department Green Impact team for 2 years, mobilising the student body as their representative to spur on sustainability. As a result, the team won the Gold, Gold Plus for Lab, and Community Action awards.

Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS) Leader

As a PASS leader, Yousef tutored first year students, and was named university-wide PASS leader of the year due to utilising his capacity as student representative to successfully lobby the EECE department to introduce the PASS scheme for the modules students would benefit most from.

Cultural Ambassador

Ambassador for the University of Birmingham on a two-week cultural exchange program to China (Beijing, Wuhan) for future direct-entry students.